As we enter year three of this pandemic, I have spent time thinking about how much my role of Music Director has changed from when I was first hired. Some of my duties remain the same: scheduling pianists, finding special music singers/instrumentalists, and working with the choir, though one that is much reduced in size. However, I can now add many technical skills to my musical bag of tricks which will come in useful moving
Religious Education News, February 2022It is an icy, snowy, freezing cold weekend – but there are birds singing outside and the sun didn’t set until 5PM yesterday! Spring is definitely on its way. On the first of February we pass the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, so we have turned a corner of sorts in the dark half of the year and are beginning to climb back up towards the light
What a year for FUSF it has been! During a global pandemic, I am so thankful that we were able to be together and gather in-person to hike many local trails. Thanks to all of YOU who attended and kept this option going for a whole year! Thanks to all the people who stepped up to lead hikes when I was unable to do so. Even I am astounded at all of the different places
When I taught in the Waldorf Schools, there would be a staff meeting sometime in May, when somebody from administration would remind us, “By the way, your supply order is due next week. And I need all of your dates for the calendar by Friday.”What that meant was, “You need to know how much paint/watercolor paper/crayons/pencils/clay/notebooks/erasers/glue/yarn/musical instruments/ you’ll need for every lesson that you’re planning to teach next year. And you’ll need to know what