Climate: What Will You Do?

The issue of climate change is an immense problem which can seem overwhelming. The Unitarian Universalist values of Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, Generosity and Love remind us of our responsibility to protect the earth and all beings from exploitation and to respect the interdependent web of existence.  Please join us for this Lay Led service as several members of FUSF’s Climate Justice Team share personal perspectives and the steps they are taking to put … Continue reading Climate: What Will You Do?

God, an Apple, and a Chair

If you ask a Unitarian Universalist if they believe in God, many will answer, “Well, it depends upon what you mean by God.” According to Universalist Minister, Clinton Lee Scott, “Words are the commerce of the civilized world, the coin of exchange, and the vehicle of thought.” But how do we communicate effectively when we assign our own private meanings to important and common concepts? Come Sunday as we explore this question.


Easter is a Christian holiday, but it also has profound meaning and deep roots that extend well beyond the Christian story. Ancient mythologies are abundant with the universal theme of life, death, and resurrection. Come this Sunday as we hear the stories and myth, Christian, Greek, and Hindu, and reflect on the spiritual meaning of suffering and loss, hope and lamentation, and resurrection and rebirth.