Linda Plukas

We’ve all found our way to First Universalist Society in Franklin by different paths. Our family had a scout in my husband Mark, who came to church first at the recommendation of his boss. Mark liked what he found, so I decided to check it out as well. My parents were just grateful we had found a church, any church, even if it was “weird.”
It was about 30 years ago that I walked into FUSF for the first time. There was something welcoming in the air. The sharing of Joys and Sorrows drew me in. I had never experienced anything like that in church.
Since that day, I’ve been active in many different ways. I’ve served on the Religious Education Committee, taught RE, co-led the Junior Youth Group, co-chaired a pledge drive, contributed to creating this beloved building, choreographed the routine for the “Oxymoron Singers” and the RE’s circus service to name a few. I’ve also tap danced during a service! What is fulfilling to me these days is being a part of the Food Justice Team, helping with fundraising events, and sharing music both as part of the choir and with Critical Mass.
Our daughters grew up in this community. The things they learned and the people who influenced them have had a huge impact on the strong, capable women they have become. Our grandchildren have been welcomed here as well.
Over the years I have witnessed many changes, some I welcomed, others I did not. Some made me question if this was the right spiritual home for me. And yet I kept coming back. Why?
The friendships I have made here sustain me. Music lifts my heart and soul. My spiritual growth and being challenged by thoughtful sermons bring me wisdom.
I have mourned other’s losses and shared their joys. We have also been the recipients of the ministry of this congregation. We have celebrated milestones like the births of our grandchildren. This community supported us as our daughter underwent brain surgery to stop her seizures. I don’t know where I would be without my FUSF family; you’ve seen me through good times and bad, highs and lows, and for that I will always be grateful.
Nicole Harter

I often answer the question about how I came to stay at FUSF with a joke about my son’s love of the treats during fellowship hour. And while the treats are very good, that wasn’t what kept us coming back for the last five years. It was just slightly deeper than that.
My husband and I both grew up in the Catholic faith and then attended a Christian reform church while dating and through the early years of our marriage. We were happy and had community, and we loved and followed the teachings of Jesus. But I felt something shifting for a while. For a couple years, I felt discontented—my understanding of God was changing.
I was studying to be a social worker, and as I read the Bible, I began to feel that my sense of Jesus and his teachings, and my mission, and my spiritual journey were no longer in alignment with our current church. It was uncomfortable. There was grief in all forms, but I decided that I was going to start looking around for a new spiritual home.
I had some friends who I highly respected who were members at FUSF, and I decided to come check it out. I brought my kids, and I thought they were going to hate it. There was a lot of sitting, but as they wiggled and squirmed and took movement breaks, and made noise, I felt they were welcome here. We were welcomed here. And after hearing the message, and later when I went online to read the UU principles, something clicked.
All the things that I felt Jesus stood for, and that I stood for as a social worker, this place was doing it, as best they knew how. And they were working to continue learning and growing as a community. So, I came back the next week. The Director of RE brought my kids outside in the trees and taught them about gratitude and social justice and loving people and stewardship of the earth, and I knew we were home.
I choose to contribute financially to FUSF so that the beautiful work being done here, creating spiritual homes and welcoming and honoring all who come here, will continue.
Ann Willever

My husband Jake and I have been part of the First Universalist Society in Franklin since the late 1980s. Originally, we sought out a congregation that would affirm our religious origins of Judaism and Christianity and would provide a place to raise our two sons. We found so much more!
Over the years, we have received many gifts from this congregation. My family was nurtured with meals and childcare when I had back surgery. This community mourned with me when my parents died within 10 months of one another. FUSF has provided an outlet for my social justice passion, and it has provided me with life-long friendships that I cherish.
At FUSF, I was encouraged and affirmed in my new role of Religious Education director. I had the privilege of providing spiritual support to children, teens, and families. Later as I began the process of becoming a minister, I again found encouragement and support from the FUSF community.
While ministering to other congregations, it was natural to compare them with FUSF. Clearly there was something very special here—at the heart of this congregation—that was so very valuable and somewhat indescribable. There was an inherent sense of love and compassion in community. There was a willingness to support one another and this congregation through thick and thin. It’s because of the importance of this congregation—to our family, to so many others, to the town of Franklin and surrounding communities—that we make a financial pledge each year. We know that our pledge makes a difference. Each and every pledge helps the congregation fulfill its mission in the world and ensures FUSF will continue to thrive and be here to welcome others searching for spiritual support and community.
Deb Prudhomme

My journey at FUSF has been one of spiritual growth and transformation. It was only six short months ago when a beautiful angel guided me through the doors of the meetinghouse and what a beautiful world I found. Six months ago, I knew no one. Not. A. Soul.
Things have certainly changed since my first visit when I walked along that cold February walkway and entered the meetinghouse. Greeting me at the table was a warm, friendly welcome and a genuine smile. After a short conversation, I strolled into the sanctuary. There were no wooden pews. No holy water to dip my hand into. I continued and gravitated toward the art wall. I watched, listened intently, and learned a great deal in that hour.
Within a mere 60 minutes, I realized that I had just discovered a hidden gem! The minister spoke, music filled the air, candles were lit, and I thoroughly enjoyed the service. But before it wrapped up, the minister wanted to speak with the congregation about clapping after a musical piece.
She gently urged that members not clap and gave her reasons for feeling this way. Then, the topic was open for discussion. Everyone was invited to share their thoughts and opinions.
As a newcomer, it was enlightening and refreshing to watch. I reflected back to the churches with wooden pews that I attended in my childhood, where we sat quietly, afraid to even sneeze! It was during this first visit to FUSF that I quickly realized how unique and extraordinary this community was, and I wanted more of it.
Under this roof there is respect, vibrancy, friendship, wisdom, the desire to create a better world, a welcoming community, and every cell of my being wanted to capture this and be a part of it. There is something remarkable here! FUSF is more than a hidden gem, it’s a treasure trove. And I was lucky to discover my newest fortune.
I have had a lot of changes lately. You could say our UU value of “Transformation” is my middle name. In the last few years, I’ve had a change in career, relationship, and residence, and I’ve explored a plethora of different jobs. I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up! What I do know is that in FUSF I have found a supportive community where I can continue to grow and transform.
Drew Bogner

It’s been over a year since my wife Karen and I first heard the Words of Welcome from the pulpit. We came to this meetinghouse looking for community, for a place where like-minded people held similar values, and where people were accepting and loving. We were welcomed when we arrived and many of you, (strangers then, but now our friends) talked with us after the service. We felt a connection to you almost immediately, as fellow travelers on life’s journey.
I remember that one couple spoke of their own spiritual journey that led them to FUSF. We knew after that first visit, that we had found a special place, one that we connected to immediately. Rarely, but occasionally in life you know both consciously and unconsciously, that you have arrived at an inflection point. A point when the past is pushed aside and in the present, you can envision a future that you want to embrace. That Sunday, we knew we had found a community that would allow us to be our best selves and to flourish and grow.
Organizations and communities also experience these inflection points, times when you know that the future is calling, when you can envision it as positive and transformative. Times when you can see that the momentum of events is pushing you, pulling you towards an exciting future. It is the gravity of life, and you often know at some level when it is happening.
If you stay for the Fellowship Cafe following service, you know the energy and enthusiasm that exists within our faith community. One Sunday, when our congregation was asked the three attributes that best describe FUSF, “Community” was the word that received the most votes. A lively discussion was facilitated. There were many insightful points, but at the most fundamental level it was a positive and inclusive discussion. This type of exchange did not surprise me because as I have learned, positive, supportive organizations and institutions flourish because of positive, dedicated, and supportive people.
Karen and I both knew that day in March that the time had come for us to move forward, to join this community and to build connections—to embrace the future and make it ours.
Wayne Toye

In the Fall of 1989, my wife, Joan, and I, along with our young sons, attended our first service at FUSF. We were familiar with the UU faith, but didn’t really know what to expect. We found a small but fast-growing community (much like Franklin at the time) consisting of both older members as well as young families, with a growing religious education program. We both soon found our way into the community, Joan as a member of the RE Committee and me as a sexton. Thus began our 30 plus years here at FUSF.
During that time we have continued to take part in the ongoing life of FUSF: participating in and chairing committees, serving on the Board of Trustees, teaching RE, taking part in work and cleanup crews, and doing those things that help to sustain FUSF. It is necessary and rewarding work and vital to the continuing life of the community. Our boys grew up participating in RE, youth groups, the Coming of Age and Our Whole Lives programs. And they were suitably embarrassed by the praises of their parents as part of the annual high school graduation service.
But that is not all that has kept us here or keeps us coming back week after week and year after year. That is the good fortune and blessing of taking part in the spiritual life of this community. It is what touches us so deeply and has always and continues to provide meaning for us—serving as a mentor or having your child mentored by another member of the community as part of the Coming of Age program; supporting student ministers growing into their calling as spiritual leaders; caring for and being cared for by the community in your time of need or loss; sharing meaningful thoughts and moving music as we do every Sunday with special musical guests, our minister, the worship assistants, lay ministers, and our wonderful music program; spending time together building relationships and shared experiences at Ferry Beach year after year. These are just a few of the ways our spirits have been and continue to be nourished and why we treasure our connection with the FUSF community.
Susan Dubinsky
My love affair with FUSF began in 1993, when my neighbor invited me and my kids to come to church with her family. We both were blessed with our children coming to us through adoption. That Sunday, the children’s Religious Education program was about a mother bear adopting a baby bear.

Growing up Catholic, it was very interesting to have a woman minister who spoke about issues that felt relevant to me. During that first year, I frequently found myself brought to tears during the minister’s sermons as they touched me in ways I had never experienced in a religious service.
After that first service, my husband joined me and found he also enjoyed the services. Growing up Jewish, he had never experienced a congregation in this way. It was important to raise our children in a faith that respected where we both came from and exposed them to ideas and beliefs that might be very different from our experiences. Our children are Korean-born and a congregation that valued diversity was essential.
There are many moments during my years with FUSF that stand out in my mind. In my mother’s final days, I came to church feeling very raw, sad, and anxious. On that particular Sunday, our Music Director and her son, who was an exceptionally gifted violinist, played a piece that permeated all of those feelings and soothed my soul. I may not remember the name of the piece, but I remember the experience.
More recently, we’ve been able to share the wonderful news of the birth of our first grandchild. The outpouring of warmth and love was overwhelming. I’m reminded of the words of one of my favorite hymns, We Laugh, We Cry. This is a congregation that pulls together in both happy and sad times.
If you are new, or new-ish to the congregation, say “yes” when asked to join a committee, or join in a single experience like volunteering during coffee hour. You will get to know more people, and FUSF will begin to feel like home to you, too.
Caitlin MacDonald
I’d like to tell you a little bit about why I donate my time, talent, and treasure to FUSF.

I’d rather not talk about me, though—let me tell you about my children. When my oldest, precocious child was 3, she began asking some very big questions: what is God? What happens when you die? Where do babies come from? I decided we needed a place to explore answers to these questions.
As she has grown up at FUSF, she has had many opportunities to share her beliefs, questions, and concerns. FUSF has given her a place to use her voice.
Next daughter down is a very different child—much more reserved and quiet. When she was younger, she rarely spoke to other adults, cowering behind me when anyone approached her, and it took a full year to get her to go to FUSF’s religious education classes without me. As she has grown up, FUSF has given her a place to connect with people at her comfort level.
And then, there is my youngest. She hated coming to service for the first 2-3 years—she used to sit in the chair with her knees to her chest, arms crossed, grimacing. She begrudgingly plodded off to RE when it was time. But as she has been growing into herself at FUSF, I have seen some interesting things pop up in her artwork. Drawings of fists raised with “BLM” written in big letters, and LOTS of Pride flags. At an Out Metrowest event here in the Fall, she shared their preferred pronouns in public for the first time– she/they. FUSF has given my youngest a place to engage with the community on their terms.
So, thank you, to all of you who have helped my children grow and be who they are. I donate my time, talent, and treasure to FUSF because it is a spiritual home that provides a safe place to learn and grow, not just for me, but for my children as well.
Celeste Falcone

When I come to FUSF on Sundays, in many ways it is like a little vacation. I am brought into a very special sacred space with the beautiful chalice quilt, the wall of art to contemplate, and the view of creation splendidly revealed through our glass wall. I am invited to be still and calm. I am treated to the thoughtful, lovely stories and lessons, presented to our children by our director of religious education, and to the more challenging stories and lessons presented by our very fine minister. I am carried away, moved, and inspired by the excellent music provided, and yes, literally nourished by delicious treats and coffee.
These aspects draw so many of us here for weekly soul respite and nourishment. We bring our human uniqueness and commonality, our fears and aspirations, coming to be inspired, challenged, consoled and to break bread and create bonds of community. Being in this space, this community, nourishes my senses and my soul and keeps me coming back again and again.
Rand Barthel

I am a UU “lifer”—I’ve been a UU since I was 4-years old, attending five UU congregations in my lifetime. My earliest UU memory was of the fellowship at the Dartmouth College chapel, where I remember scissors, glue, and reading a book about the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. Then there were more years of scissors and glue in the RE program of the Birmingham Unitarian Church in Birmingham, Michigan.
I stepped away from active participation during my college years, but I never stopped identifying as a UU. When my wife and I met and married, we were briefly members of the UU congregation in Reading, Massachusetts until my career took us to the Franklin area. We soon joined the Unitarian Congregation of Mendon and Uxbridge. Finally, we arrived at the First Universalist Society In Franklin in 1999.
What I have learned from being a life-long UU, involved with five different UU congregations, is that FUSF is priceless. FUSF is the most spiritually healthy and forward-looking UU congregation I have known.