Becoming a Member
Membership in our congregation is defined by our church Bylaws. Voting members are individuals who are 16 years old or older, who have signed the Membership book, and who make a regular recorded financial contribution to the Church.
When you are ready, the simple act of signing the Membership Book signifies a personal commitment to growing spiritually alongside other FUSF members, working for justice, and striving to live in loving relationship with one another. It also means giving your time, talents, and financial resources to support this community. Membership does not commit you to any fixed creed.
By formally joining our congregation, you are committing to supporting our faith community and working in partnership for the good of FUSF and the surrounding community. You’ll be joined in this journey by others walking similar paths. This is exemplified in our motto, “Together on our journeys.”
As a member you will have the right to vote at meetings of the membership – an important expression of your commitment to the community.
If you feel ready to discuss membership, please reach out to anyone at the Welcome Table or to our Minister. This is a very personal decision, and only you know when it is the right time to sign.