Adult Library

The adult library is grouped into thirteen categories. The library’s online catalog is sorted alphabetically by category and then by title. Many books could have been housed in multiple categories, so perusing a variety of categories may be helpful.
- Biography / Memoir
- Faith Formation for All Ages
- Fiction
- Inspiration, Meditations, Poetry
- Leadership
- Life Transitions
- Social Justice
- Spirituality
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- Unitarian Universalism
- UU Voices
- World Religions
Click here for the Adult Library online database.
Borrow a Book:
- Remove the book card from the front or back cover.
- Enter the date (Month/Day/Year) and your name.
- Place the book card in the labeled file box.
- Enjoy your book.
Return a Book:
- Locate your book card in the file box.
- Return the book card back to the book card sleeve.
- Note the book category written on the book card sleeve.
- Place the book in its proper category on the bookshelf.