Additional Religious Education Programs

Seasonal Events/Outings
Each season Religious Education plans an event or outing. For outings we have gone apple picking in the fall and ice skating in the winter. Our events have included Backpack Blessings at the beginning of the school year, Lantern Walks on daylight savings evenings, and a pancake breakfast for Mardi Gras. Please email our Director of Religious Education at if you have any questions or are interested in organizing an event.
Our Whole Lives (OWL)

Our Whole Lives is the Unitarian Universalist Association’s lifespan sexuality education program. With curricula designed with age-appropriateness in mind, OWL fosters knowledge, empowerment, self-esteem, tolerance, and respect with regards to sexuality, helping participants make informed and responsible life decisions.
We are hosting Our Whole Lives Grades 4-6 this winter 2025. Sign ups have closed.
Once we have a few more teachers trained in Our Whole Lives curriculum we are hoping to offer each grade level group approximately every other year: K-1, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12.
For the 2024-2025 school year, we will not offer 7-9 because those students will be doing Coming of Age.
Coming of Age

In many religious traditions, young people undergo a period of instruction in the deeper meaning of their faith prior to being received into the community as adults. Typically undertaken during the 8th or 9th grade year or when the candidate is turning 14, the Unitarian Universalist coming of age program is a six-month program that bridges the elementary and high school years. As Unitarian Universalists, all are free to walk their own spiritual paths; therefore the development of a personal creed or set of guiding values and beliefs is the responsibility of the individual. With the guidance of the Minister, the Director of Religious Education, and a personal adult mentor from the congregation, candidates are supported in creating a personal project that connects to their individual conception of their spiritual path and in writing a personal credo. These are presented to the community and guests at a special service and celebration which is held in the spring. One may enroll even if one is new to Unitarian Universalism. The program is offered on alternating years at FUSF and is offered this year 2024-2025.
Youth Groups
First Universalist Society in Franklin is working towards hosting monthly Youth Group events for a Senior Youth Group (grades 9-12) and a Junior Youth Group (grades 6-8). The Religious Education Committee has some ideas in the works, including but not limited to: minute to win it games, baking for FUSF’s Cookie Walk, yard games, and decorating a trunk for a local Trunk-or-Treat. Check our Facebook Page for updates on when we will be hosting Youth Group meetings.
Childcare Request Form
When creating an event please use our Childcare Request Form if your group is hoping to have childcare during the event. This form is for FUSF committies, councils, staff, and groups only, not intended for outside groups.