Faith Development: Children and Youth

The Religious Education program at First Universalist Society in Franklin provides families with a nurturing, supportive environment for faith to take root, for UU ideas and ideals to grow, and for children’s individual spiritual journeys to be celebrated as they move into the wider world as adults. With lessons tailored to specific developmental stages, we connect children to the foundational ideas of our UU faith through art, story, play, music, nature, discussion, and community projects.
Purpose: To be the loving chalice from which the flames of this community’s children can shine, that they may be seen, supported, and celebrated.
Mission: The Religious Education Committee provides programming that supports the age-appropriate development of UU values in families and children from birth through high school. Our program gives children:
- The foundation of UU identity through congregational traditions that connect families and children with the FUSF community.
- The richness of UU sources of faith through diverse learning experiences that explore many spiritual paths.
- The experience of UU faith in action though active involvement in congregational life and service in the wider world.
- The freedom of creating their own UU path, supported in their journey by a community that sees, supports, and celebrates them for who they are and who they are becoming.
What we value:
- Acceptance of differences, celebration of a variety of spiritual paths, opinions, and ways of being. We honor and support the individual path of spiritual development.
- Being together in community, knowing and supporting one another, sharing our gifts and talents and interests.
- Artistic expression.
- Connection to nature.
- Service to our community.
Our vision: A vibrant, joyful program that is know in the community to provide enrichment and support to family life, attracting and serving people in alignment with FUSF’s purpose, mission, vision, and values.
Please see our calendar page for our weekly program offerings.