FUSF is a Musical Place

The Universal Singers

FUSF is fortunate to have a wide variety of musical talent in the congregation. Each service showcases some of the musicians in solo and group performances.

The FUSF sanctuary is specifically designed for superior acoustics. Coupled with exceptional sound and lighting systems, musical performances are enhanced here. 

Each week, one of three talented pianists accompanies the hymns and provides wonderful instrumental selections throughout the service on the beautiful Schimmel grand piano.

The Children’s Choir

Additionally, the service often has a place for “special music,” featuring a soloist, small group, classical instrumental ensemble, drumming ensemble, native-American flute, or even a rock band.

FUSF is also home to the Universal Singers, a vibrant, talented choir. Under the direction of Michele Kelly, the Universal Singers perform several times each month, filling the Meetinghouse with song. The group rehearses Sunday mornings before the church service and one evening during the week for those who can attend. Additionally, Michele provides online rehearsal tracks, links to sheet music, and recordings to assist with at-home practice. Being able to read music is not a requirement! The Universal Singers is a fun, inclusive group. New members are always welcome!

One of the musical goals for the near future is to re-start the children’s choir. In the past, the children’s choir sang during the service several times each year to the delight of the congregation. Children’s choir rehearsed on Sunday mornings after RE classes had ended.

You can read Michele’s latest “Musical Notes” on our News page. Just select “Michele’s Musical Notes” from the list on the right side of the page.

If you have any questions about the music at FUSF, please contact our Music Director Michele Kelly at musicdirector@fusf.org