In 2023/24 we will be running two different Religious Education programs for children ages 3.5 and older. The Grove has the children separated into “Groves” according to age. The Circle has the children in a mixed age group. We have discovered that there are gifts and benefits to both of these ways of learning together, and wanted to create a program where “both/and” are supporting our children. The calendar of Sundays on the website and in the emessenger will keep families updated on what is happening in a given week.

The Nest Nursery is available for children younger than 3.5 years every Sunday morning from 9:30 – 11:30 AM.

Gathering in our class communities

ages 3.5-6

This group is seeking new members. We will open a grove for preschool/kindergarten children as soon as we have sufficient enrollment. For now, children in this age range will join the Nest and enjoy a morning of play.

ages 6-9

This class will be exploring UU ideas through folk tales and fairy tales. Join us to learn classic stories from many cultures that also present a message or moral. Students will engage with their class content through artistic work – singing, drama, painting, drawing, and crafts.

Ages 10-12

This class will be following an adapted version of the UU Tapestry of Faith Curriculum Windows and Mirrors. “Windows and Mirrors nurtures children’s ability to identify their own experiences and perspectives and to seek out, care about, and respect those of others. The sessions unpack topics that lend themselves to diverse experiences and perspectives—for example, faith heritage, public service, anti-racism and prayer. The program teaches that there are always multiple viewpoints and everyone’s viewpoint matters.”

Ages 13+

The “Breakfast Club” is a time for discussion, playing games, and engaging in service projects for the confregation (like helping in the fellowship cafe) or in the larger community. Our Sunday morning gatherings are a time to talk about whatever is feeling important to talk about today. The youth will work with their adult mentors to determine the curriculum for the year and create projects that are meaningful, supportive, and fun!

The Circle – A gathering for all ages

Circle classes are a time for the community of children to come together around a common theme, usually related to a seasonal holiday or a larger service project. We’ll be exploring a topic at our first meeting – like helping out at the Fellowship Cafe, for example, or celebrating Halloween. We’ll make a plan together and then create our event or experience the following Sunday. Circle Sundays bring everyone together to share the experience of creating worship services, artistic offerings like our holiday pageant and our children’s art show, and service projects like our battery recycling drive. Everyone is welcome in the circle!

Additional Programs

Coming of Age

In every religious tradition, young people undergo a period of instruction in the deeper meaning of their faith prior to being received into the community as adults. Generally undertaken during the 8th grade year or when the candidate is turning 14, the Unitarian Universalist coming of age program is a six-month program that bridges the elementary and high school years. As Unitarian Universalists, all are free to walk their own spiritual paths; therefore the development of a personal creed or set of guiding values and beliefs is the responsibility of the individual. With the guidance of the Minister, the Director of Religious Education, and a personal adult mentor from the community, candidates are supported in creating a personal project that connects to their individual conception of their spiritual path and in writing a personal credo. These are presented to the community and guests at a special service and celebration which is held in the spring. One may enroll even if one is new to Unitarian Universalism. The program is offered on alternating years at FUSF.


Our Whole Lives (OWL) Program

OWL is the Unitarian Universalist Association’s lifespan sexuality education program. With curricula designed with age-appropriateness in mind, OWL fosters knowledge, empowerment, self-esteem, tolerance, and respect with regards to sexuality, helping participants make informed and responsible life decisions.

At this point we are looking into the possibility of convening an OWL class with another congregation.; please contact Diana if you are interested.