Are You Ready to Become a Member of FUSF?

Posted by Laura Cerier on  February 27, 2023
This is a call to all of you who have been thinking about membership. Now is the time! Reasons are many to make the decision to become a member. Maybe more than one of these will resonate with you:You have come to realize how much FUSF means to you. In these days when the days of the week seem to meld together, Sunday morning worship has gained new importance. You have been impressed by the

FUSF Autumn Lantern Walk

Posted by fusfwebadmin on  October 18, 2022
A walk through an early wintery evening by lanternlight is a joyful way to celebrate the season! Join area families at the First Universalist Society in Franklin for a lantern walk. We’ll gather at the Meetinghouse at 6 pm to learn some songs and hear a brief story about lantern festivals. Then we will have a parade, widing down to our grove to gather around a bonfire for more socializing. Warm cider will be provided

Michele’s Musical Notes ♫

Posted by Michele Kelly on  September 5, 2022
September has always meant the start of a new year for me. Since my birthday is in early September, that day of getting one year older has always coincided with the start of school when I was a student and continued as I became a public school music teacher.  Once I began attending FUSF in 1996, September also marked the beginning of a new church year as fellow congregants came back together at the traditional

Birdsong: Notes from the Grove

Posted by fusfwebadmin on  May 1, 2022
May 2022The children and I have been watching Spring slowly bloom in our FUSF Grove over the course of the past month.  The trees in the parking lot are all in leaf now, but several weeks ago they were all white with blossoms.  I wish that you all could have seen them.  Despite all of the changes that the past several years have seen, our program has been able to reprise several annual traditions this season. 

Birdsong: Notes from the Grove

Posted by fusfwebadmin on  April 12, 2022
Religious Education News for AprilThe forsythia is blooming in my neighbor’s yard, the grass is green, and I’ve packed most of my winter clothes away in the attic.  I know, you can blame me if we have a blizzard later this week.  But do you know what this means?  It means that life is just about to start zooming forward.  I’m seeing the end of summer in my rearview mirror already, and it is gaining on