The New UU

Posted by Laura Cerier on  March 4, 2023
In-person after worship services from 11.30-1 pmAre you new to Unitarian Universalism? Are you just getting to know FUSF? Have you been attending FUSF for a while? Then you’ll want to attend The New UU sessions!  Join Rev. Bev, members of the Connections Committee, and other special guests for this three-session Adult Education Program. The New UU is designed to introduce Unitarian Universalists to our faith tradition as well as to congregational specific programs, culture,

Ferry Beach Retreat Weekend!

Posted by Laura Cerier on  March 4, 2023
May 19-21, 2023Ferry Beach, Saco, MEIt’s time to register for the annual Ferry Beach Retreat weekend! Medfield UU will be joining us again this year. We connect more deeply with one another here, and enjoy the beauty of this ocean-side property.Registration will take place directly through the Ferry Beach Retreat and Conference Center. We do not want the cost of the retreat to deter you from joining us. Scholarships are available to assist with cost.

Labyrinth Workshop

Posted by Laura Cerier on  March 4, 2023
One Path, Many Experiences: A Labyrinth WorkshopSunday, March 26, 2023, 12.30-3 pm at the MeetinghouseWalking a labyrinth quiets the mind and reduces stress. Some labyrinths are walked with your feet while others are “walked” with your finger. Please join us for a labyrinth workshop where we’ll hear a brief history of the labyrinth, learn the difference between a labyrinth and a maze, experience the labyrinth firsthand, and share our experiences on the labyrinth. Workshop participants
Friday, March 17, 6-9pmBack by popular demand! Bring your favorite puzzles and games or use one from the FUSF puzzle and game library. Join in an evening of fun, laughter, and friendly competition. Can you SCRABBLE? MONOPOLY? BOGGLE? Or GO BANANAGRAMS? Maybe you can PICTIONARY? RISK? Or sink a BATTLESHIP? No? Can you GO FISH? FARKLE? Or YAHTZEE? Can you play FLUXX, the game with ever-changing rules? Bet you can! Hope to see you there!

FUSF Nominations Process

Posted by Laura Cerier on  March 4, 2023
Are you curious about how members are nominated for the Board of Trustees or other positions of leadership?  Keep reading and if you are interested in exploring a leadership position at FUSF, be sure to click on the links below to learn about the Board positions and the nominations process.The Nominating Committee has started the work of identifying candidates to fill positions on the Board of Trustees and the Nominating Committee.   Potential candidates are identified through recommendations