
We put the fun in FUNdraising at FUSF! Planned events allow us to enjoy each other’s company while raising funds for the important work of the community.
Recent fundraisers include:
- New England Country Dance
- The Chestnut Street Musical Revue
- Mah Jongg Play All Day Event
- Juried Artists on the Art Wall
- Talent and Services Auction
- Savers Thrift Shop FUNDrive
Fundraising at FUSF is facilitated through the Fundraising Steering Committee. Team members include Kathy Hulin (Chair), Kathleen Ackerman, Vicki Coates, Lea MacNider, Katie Nunes, and Sue Sheridan.
The purpose of the team is to encourage, guide, facilitate, and support members and friends of FUSF to propose and execute opportunities for fundraising in the FUSF community. While steering committee members may organize and run some events, all members and friends of FUSF are invited to bring their ideas to this steering committee.
A fundraising idea in-take form is available here. Help us bring more FUNdraising to FUSF!

In addition to events, we raise funds through:
- iGive program. Earn money for FUSF when you shop online
- Helpsy donations (Collection bins onsite at the meetinghouse. Find out what you can donate here.)