The First Universalist Society in Franklin is a member congregation of the The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), which connects and supports the 1000+ UU congregations in the United States and promotes our values in the world. The Denominational Information Team raises awareness of issues, actions, and events elevated and facilitated by the UUA. Members of the team provide the FUSF community with information about the programs, activities, and resources that are available through the UUA at both the national and regional level. 

General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of the UUA. Participants gather for worship, learning, connecting and making policy decisions through the democratic process. Educating our congregation about GA is a major focus of the Denominational Information Team. The team provides information about the annual gathering, recruits delegates, shares information about the issues that will be brought forward during General Sessions, and elicits the congregation’s feedback regarding those issues. 

Strengthening the ties between FUSF and the UUA is the primary goal of the Denominational Information Team.

Please contact Bobbi Gerlits for more information.