UU the Vote
What is UU the Vote?
UU the Vote is a non-partisan faith initiative in partnership with broader justice movements, to engage out neighbors, educate our communities, mobilize voters, and rally around key ballot initiatives.
If you have attended a rally, written a letter to an elective official, registered a voter, or supported a partner organization, you have already been doing the work of UU the Vote.

UU the Vote electoral engagement work
- Mobilizing voters
- Challenging voter suppression
- Holding values-based conversations to persuade our neighbors on the issues that matter
- Opening the doors of our congregations to the activities of frontline communities and justice partners
- Providing the spiritual sustenance and movement chaplaincy to ground our faith and respond to the injustices we confront through the work

Ways that FUSF can help advance UU the Vote
Registration and Get Out The Vote
- Work with campus groups to setup voter registration tables at area colleges and canvass the dorms
- Organize a text banking party to send text messages to selected groups of voters
- Organize rides for people to the polls or to be a driver for Get Out The Vote volunteers
- Register voters using online tools such as https://uuthevote.com/register
Issue Advocacy
- Help collect signatures on justice-oriented ballot initiatives for raising wages, criminal justice reform, climate justice, and more
- Phonebank with a justice partner organization
- Go door-to-door in your own neighborhood talking to neighbors about what issues matter in the next election
- Share or make a guide to local ballot initiatives in your area
- Use Vote Forward to send letters to voters in other states
Spiritual Support
- Include UU the Vote regularly in worship services and give updates to keep up momemtum
Another world is possible
In this time of despair, of fear, of collapse—
Rev. Ashley Horan,
this time that is both like every other era
and like no other time in history—
It is audacious
to declare our faith
and to commit our work
to a world that is
more free,
more just,
more whole.
UUA Organizing Strategy Director

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Meade