Speaker: Rev. Beverly Waring

Be Not Afraid

I want all of you to become evangelists. Before you go running from the room let me explain. Evangelism is about reaching out. But before we can reach out we have to reach in and reach down. When each of us can answer why we are Unitarian Universalists and why being a member of First Universalist Society in Franklin is important to us, then we are on the way to being evangelists.

Got Worship?

Join Rev. Bev as she explores who Unitarian Universalists are theologically and what and how we worship.

The Examined Life

Our current Unitarian Universalist principles include the 4th Principle in which we affirm and promote a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. We all understand the free part. This service will focus more on the responsible part. As we make decisions and choices, how mindful are we of the responsibility, the impact, of our choosing to do something or not to do it?

Resolutions and New Perspectives  

Join Rev. Bev for a time of reflection and sharing as we say goodbye to 2023 and look forward to 2024. This service will include rituals of letting go and of setting intentions for the coming year.