Speaker: Rev. Beverly Waring

Starting a Positive Epidemic

Based on Malcom Gladwell’s book, “The Tipping Point” we will explore the idea that, “ideas and behaviors and new products can move through a population very much like a disease does. Ideas can be contagious in exactly the same way that a virus is.” What is the implication of this theory for Unitarian Universalist congregations?  Can we, as Gladwell claims, start “positive epidemics”?

Authenticity; A Rosh Hashanah Lesson

Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the new year in the Jewish tradition is a time for renewal and reflection. It is a time to ask ourselves, are we living our life to its fullest? It is a time to contemplate how we can shed that which blocks us from our core selves, from the truest manifestation of our being? Through parables, Hasidic tales, and the writing of Brene Brown, Rev. Bev will explore the lessons … Continue reading Authenticity; A Rosh Hashanah Lesson

The Power of the Rev.

Join Rev. Bev as she explores the power of the title, the changes in relationship when a person puts on the collar, robe and/or stole.  And she might even give you some secrets to cultivating the best possible relationship with your next minister.

Peace-ing Together

Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the International Day of Peace. What is peace? How can we achieve it and maintain it – in our lives, our community the world? As part of this worship service we will go outside and re-dedicate our peace pole. 

Racing in the Rain

Navigating through life’s ups and downs can be as perilous as racing in the rain.  This Sunday, in a sermon inspired by the book, The art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein, we will look at the lessons that can be learned from race car drivers. Is there an art to racing in the rain?  What are the parallels between controlling the steering wheel and directing our own lives?  How do we describe … Continue reading Racing in the Rain