Speaker: Rev. Beverly Waring

Christmas Eve

Join us for a Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols. Hear the original story from scripture as well as some more modern secular readings, sing some of the traditional Christmas carols, and end the evening with Silent Night by candlelight.

A Season of Lights

There are obvious and not so obvious reasons why this, the darkest time of the year, has so many celebrations, rituals, and customs involving light.  Advent and Christmas, Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, and Kwanza all recognize the importance of light. This Sunday we will explore the similarities and differences surrounding this focus within many different traditions.

Something Wonderful Is Coming

Advent, the four-week period leading up to Christmas, represents a time of anticipation, of actively waiting for the source of hope to be born again. The focus of the season for Christians is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Join us Sunday as Rev. Bev Waring explores how Unitarian Universalists can honor the themes of Advent: faith, hope, joy, and love, and find meaning in this season individually and as a congregation.

A Quaker-Style Service

Join Rev. Bev this Sunday for a Quaker service commonly known as a programmed service. This type of service has time for silence and getting in touch with your inner voice and sharing those thoughts but also has some readings or meditations to reflect on and respond to. The readings Rev. Bev will choose will be on the themes of finding your personal spiritual core, living a life of purpose, and developing personal mission statements. … Continue reading A Quaker-Style Service

Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice

“Wise women and men from every [faith] tradition teach that gratitude is at the heart of the spiritual life because it leads us to all the rest.” That is how the Rev. Kathleen McTigue begins her meditation, “Saying Grace,” as she reminds us of the importance of real gratitude—gratitude that, in Rev. McTigue’s words, “Make us strong for the work of the world.” Join Rev. Bev this Sunday as she explores the kind of gratitude … Continue reading Gratitude as a Spiritual Practice