Speaker: Rev. Beverly Waring

The Edge of What We Know

This service could be called “A Brief Introduction to Process Theology” or “Science and Religion; Our Guides Through the Unknown.” Join us as we look at how process theology, science and religion can help us deal with change.

Quaker-Style Service—Beloved Community

Rev. Bev believes that we first must grow deeper before we grow wider. In that spirit, instead of a sermon this morning, our worship will be a Quaker style meeting. After some brief readings about becoming beloved community, we will share thoughts and ideas for action on how to help FUSF become a more beloved community.

Being to Becoming

A colleague of mine wrote that after finding Unitarian Universalism as an adult he told his home congregation that what made him love them and Unitarian Universalism was that “they not only accepted me for who I was, but also loved me into becoming a better and fuller person.” What does it mean to value someone “as they are” as well as journeying with them through the process of “finding one’s best self?” Can congregations … Continue reading Being to Becoming


In the Akan language of the people of Ghana, there is a concept called sankofa. Very much a cultural tradition, Sankofa is derived from three separate words, san (return), ko (go) and fa (look, seek and take).  Sources vary in the translation from, “it is not taboo to fetch what is at risk of being left behind,” to, “look to the past to inform the future.”  The symbol for this concept is a bird, which flies forward while … Continue reading Sankofa 

New Year’s Day: Walking the Labyrinth

Join Rev. Bev and others for a non-traditional service of readings, personal stories, silence, and walking the Labyrinth. Even if you are able to join us on News Year’s Eve to walk the labyrinth, this service will bring you a different experience. And if you have never walked a labyrinth, this is a great opportunity for you. The service will be in the sanctuary with an indoor labyrinth so no matter the weather, this will … Continue reading New Year’s Day: Walking the Labyrinth