Speaker: Rev. Beverly Waring

Sunday Worship Livestreamed from General Assembly in Pittsburgh, PA

Join us in the sanctuary as we live stream Sunday Worship from General Assembly. Preached by Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, the sermon is titled, “Ever Willing – Becoming the People Our World Needs.” Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti serves as Senior Minister of the First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor, Michigan. He is a co-editor of “Conversations with the Sacred: A Collection of Prayers” (2020) and the 2018-2019 UUA common read, “Justice on Earth: … Continue reading Sunday Worship Livestreamed from General Assembly in Pittsburgh, PA

Flower Celebration!

This year, 2023, is the one hundredth anniversary of the first Flower Celebration. Join us as we say goodbye to our first year as a congregation in transition and hello to a summer full of exploring spiritual practices with a terrific lineup of lay leaders. Celebrating our diversity, our interconnectedness is a great way to say mark this milestone in the life of the congregation. This service will also include a special tribute to Father’s … Continue reading Flower Celebration!

Eyes of the Heart

With what eyes do you see? When you look at a sunrise, a newborn infant, or the vast night sky, are you seeing with your  brain or your heart?  Is it a purely physiological process? Or does it involve a memory, your brain recalling the last time you saw this sight and your heart attaching meaning?  Join us Sunday to explore these questions and their importance as we move from year one of interim ministry … Continue reading Eyes of the Heart

Memorial Day – Making Meaning

Join us for this Memorial Day Service where we will explore the origins and meaning of this day. Through music and readings, we explore the connections between Memorial Day, service, love, and memories.

Good With (or Without) God

Can a person be good without a belief in God?  Is everyone’s God the same G(g)od? Where are you on the spectrum that includes humanism, theism, deism, atheism, and agnosticism? Given these questions, how do we all worship together? Come Sunday and explore with us the impact of the answers to these questions on living an ethical life.