Speaker: Rev. Beverly Waring and the Stewardship Team

Together We Light the Flame

Every Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Bev knows struggles with their stewardship message every year. We often ask the following questions of ourselves. What needs to be said to help people support their congregation at the level needed? What is the right message for this congregation, this year? What is the congregation willing to do without if adequate funds are not raised? Come Sunday and see how Rev. Bev answers these questions this year.

Stewardship Celebration Sunday

Imagine our annual stewardship drive coming to a successful end, with 100% participation of all members and friends, this Sunday morning. And imagine your future Ministerial Search Committee’s joy when they are able to put together a packet that will attract the very best minister to take FUSF into the future – your future that you envision. Come Sunday and celebrate our progress towards that vision.