Speaker: Rev. Beverly Waring and Diana Tesni and Michelle Kelly

Let’s Celebrate!

The milestones in our congregation keep on coming! A couple of weeks ago we celebrated two of our teens in our Coming of Age service. Now this week we have several reasons to celebrate. First, we will have a bridging ceremony for Emily Magadieu. The Bridging ceremony is when we celebrate our young people who are graduating from high school. Second, we have at least 5 new members that have (or will) sign the Membership … Continue reading Let’s Celebrate!


Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Music Service presented by Critical Mass originally scheduled for this Sunday will be postponed to a later date. Meanwhile, Rev. Bev, Michele Kelly, Music Director and Diana Tesni, Director of Religious Education, are creating a service for Sunday morning. In the midst of the unknown, be assured that Sunday will come and a worship service will happen. No details yet but join us on Sunday morning and be surprised! Plan … Continue reading TBD