The FUSF Stewardship Committee gathers resources necessary to keep the flame of FUSF alive now and into the future. Through communication, education, and outreach, the Stewardship Committee fosters a sense of ownership and community in the congregation. This, in turn, builds a growing generosity within the congregation to support the mission of FUSF. Additionally, the Stewardship Committee plans and manages the annual pledge drive, during which members and friends commit their financial support for the upcoming fiscal year.
Making a Pledge Is Key
FUSF is funded by all of its members and friends. With pledged financial support, FUSF provides a spiritual haven for congregants and their families. With this support, we continue to work for love, justice, and peace in our world. A financial pledge is one of the responsibilities of membership, although allowances are made for those experiencing financial hardship.
How Much Is Enough?
We each have our own economic realities, and each of us wants to give our fair share.
Ultimately, members and friends need to assess for themselves how important FUSF is to them and their families, then choose a corresponding gift of financial support. We will provide guides during our annual pledge drive to reference.
How Do I Pledge?
Each church year, the Stewardship Committee launches an annual pledge campaign which typically takes place during February and March.
Find information on the current Stewardship campaign for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 here. These pages also contain a direct link to an online version of the pledge form. Physical pledge forms were distributed starting at the Stewardship Kickoff Service on January 12.