Category: News

Interactive Halloween Story Walk

Friday, October 27, 5.30–7.30 pm in the Grove at the Meetinghouse Please join us on Friday, October 27th from 5:30-7:30 for an evening of fun. Come as you are or come in costume as you experience a Halloween story while you walk through the Grove. The event features music and friendly characters along with a dose of mischief!  All are welcome. A Bake Sale will end your walk with delicious treats – or TRICKS!

Annual Fall Campus Clean Up Saturday, November 4th, 9:00 am

Come and join the FUSF Community in cleaning up our grounds.Grab your work gloves, rakes, leaf blower, tree trimmers, and community spirit to ready our campus for the coming months.  Whether you can stay for an hour or three, your help is greatly appreciated. This is not gender or age specific fun! All are welcome! THANK YOU!The Asset Committee

Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth: A Discussion Series

Mondays from October 2–November 6 7–8.30 pm, at the Meetinghouse Please join us at the First Universalist Society in Franklin for an engaging spiritual journey, centered around the groundbreaking PBS six-episode series. World-renown mythologist and professor of religion Joseph Campbell and journalist Bill Moyers discuss myths as metaphors and the path to transcendence in dialogues that adroitly span millennia of history and far-flung geography. We will view each episode, and then engage in a lively discussion of … Continue reading Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth: A Discussion Series

FUSF Hikes Resume!

Join us on Sunday, September 24 at 2 pm! Meet at Peppercorn Hill Conservation Area parking area off Crocket Road in Upton.  This will be a moderate 2.5 mi loop with lots of ups and downs, so we should be out there for a little over an hour.   Please be sure to wear appropriate footwear and to bring water and insect repellant. Contact Allison Flanagan. Registration not required but appreciated! 

The History of the Universal Singers

The FUSF choir, officially known as “The Universal Singers,” has been in existence since the early 1990s.  Our Minister Emeritus, Rev. Carol Rosine, suggested the name, thinking that it sounded more welcoming and less intimidating than “FUSF Choir.”  Over the last 30 years, many singers have come and gone and several FUSF volunteers have led the group including Phil Hall, Sue Bencuya, Rick Duthe, Lyndie Laramore, and Michele Kelly (before officially serving as Music Director.)  … Continue reading The History of the Universal Singers