Category: Adult Learning

Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth: A Discussion Series

Mondays from October 2–November 6 7–8.30 pm, at the Meetinghouse Please join us at the First Universalist Society in Franklin for an engaging spiritual journey, centered around the groundbreaking PBS six-episode series. World-renown mythologist and professor of religion Joseph Campbell and journalist Bill Moyers discuss myths as metaphors and the path to transcendence in dialogues that adroitly span millennia of history and far-flung geography. We will view each episode, and then engage in a lively discussion of … Continue reading Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth: A Discussion Series

The New UU

In-person after worship services from 11.30-1 pm Are you new to Unitarian Universalism? Are you just getting to know FUSF? Have you been attending FUSF for a while? Then you’ll want to attend The New UU sessions!  Join Rev. Bev, members of the Connections Committee, and other special guests for this three-session Adult Education Program. The New UU is designed to introduce Unitarian Universalists to our faith tradition as well as to congregational specific programs, … Continue reading The New UU

Labyrinth Workshop

One Path, Many Experiences: A Labyrinth Workshop Sunday, March 26, 2023, 12.30-3 pm at the Meetinghouse Walking a labyrinth quiets the mind and reduces stress. Some labyrinths are walked with your feet while others are “walked” with your finger. Please join us for a labyrinth workshop where we’ll hear a brief history of the labyrinth, learn the difference between a labyrinth and a maze, experience the labyrinth firsthand, and share our experiences on the labyrinth. … Continue reading Labyrinth Workshop