Strawberry Stroll

Friday, June 7, 4–8 pm (rain date: Saturday, June 8, 4-8 pm)

Downtown Franklin

The Strawberry Stroll is a big event in Franklin with many families attending—a GREAT opportunity to get the word out about FUSF!
FUSF has a booth with a children’s activity and brochures about FUSF. AND friendly FUSFers to chat about what FUSF is all about and the wonderful minister, programming, religious education, summer camp, music, etc., that we offer.
BUT we need volunteers to staff the booth! It takes a village to spread the word. Please watch your email for a Sign-Up Genius for opportunities to help! We will need all kinds of people: physical “laborers” to set up and break down the booth and its contents; outgoing “greeters” who can chat to visitors to the booth; folks to run the children’s activity; people to talk about FUSF and answer questions; etc. Thanks in advance!!